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How I Can Help YOU

Changing Your Mind


Make Your Life Better

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you don't have to suffer or struggle

- call me to book your free consultation

- find out how I can help you to

   make your life better for you

WE ALL WANT to be happy. In all my years of helping people, I've discovered that this is what people want most of all. And while happiness means different things to different people, we usually know what we need to feel happy. And we usually know what's making us unhappy. In many cases, happiness is all in the mind.

Using hypnosis, I'll get you to change your mind to steer you towards your own unique happiness. All that's needed is to change a behaviour, or simply to change a way of thinking. 

You don't have to suffer - let me help you.

I'm Peter Lancett, the man behind Lancett Hypnosis and I'm here to release you from whatever holds you back in life, whatever prevents you from being the perfect healthy, happy YOU. And using hypnosis, I help you to Change Your Mind to bring about the change that you long for, the change that will make all the difference to YOU.

As a hypnotherapist, I am  dedicated to your well-being and happiness. Results are what matter, and I use all of my extensive knowledge and experience to bring about the changes to your life that you truly desire. Results are what you'll come to me for, because results are what will give you that life, and I run a results-focused practice.

Results-focused hypnotherapy is the golden standard in my opinion, and here's why...

We focus on the future, not the past. 

Most of my clients come to me wanting to change their future, and not dwell on how and why they acquired their problem in the first place. In fact, I am certain - and I am not alone in this - that a constant focus on the problem or its cause actually reinforces the issue that you're trying to banish.

As a Results-Focused Hypnotherapist I don't look at how you got to where you are now - Instead, we work together to look at where you are now - and where you want to get to. 

And we arrive at a 100% positive, Results-Focused, and stress-free therapy experience.


You don't have to suffer. Contact me to arrange your free consultation call where we can investigate your issue and discuss the best results-based solution suited specifically to you. Get in touch. You owe it to yourself to be the BEST YOU THAT YOU CAN BE.

"I had this treatment last Saturday with Peter with a very positive outcome. It's amazing how it all works, my emotional blockages were picked up and were absolutely correct. Then released. I came away feeling rejuvenated. I would highly recommend this treatment. Thanks Pete"

                                            Sharon Smith   Stoke on Trent

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