soul path attunement
Spiritual Healing at the level of The Soul
Knowledge is Power
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Relationship reading
Addressing relationships from the perspective of the Akashic Records
Do you wish that your most important relationships could run smoother?
Do you wonder why you and your romantic partner constantly clash in certain areas when you just "know" that you're otherwise right for each other?
Do you wonder why your child often seems "difficult" to you?
Do you wonder how you can forge a more productive relationship with a business partner?
If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then a RELATIONSHIP READING can be just the help you're seeking
Uncovering the relationship between two Souls
Discovering their karmic relationship
Discovering the Life-Lessons/Themes they’ve chosen to experience with each other.
Romantic Relationships
Parents and children
Family Members
Business partners
All the relationships that deeply impact you on your path through this lifetime.
In this reading, we discover:
How many lifetimes you've shared together
The nature of your relationship in those lifetimes
What karma you may have shared during those lifetimes that carries through to this one
Life-themes that you are each experiencing
Energetic restrictions and blocks and what areas of your life experiences they most affect
...and more.
We'll also look at how you may integrate these individual Soul Characteristics in a harmonious way so that the relationship can run smoother.
NOTE: For me to read the Akashic Records of BOTH PARTNERS, the relationship has to be intended to be permanent - so for ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS, I won't look at the record of someone you've just met, nor will I look at the record of a partner where the relationship has ended.
HOWEVER, I CAN look at these relationships from YOUR PERSPECTIVE ALONE and the reading then encourages you to look at areas where your SOUL CHARACTERISTICS may be the cause of any friction between you and your partner, and we can explore - within the context of the reading - just how you may address future outcomes with regard to this and other relationships.
The reading can be presented to both partners in the relationship together, if both partners are agreeable to this, or it can just be presented to you alone, and you'll get to see both sides of the relationship, empowering you to adjust the way you interact with your partner going forward to secure more harmonious outcomes
Knowledge is Power
Book now to empower yourself at Soul-Level to make informed Life-choices leading to more satisfying outcomes