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soul path attunement
Spiritual Healing at the level of The Soul

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Knowledge is Power
Book now to empower yourself at Soul-Level to make informed Life-choices leading to more satisfying outcomes



THIS IS A reading for people who are truly invested in allowing their Soul the experience it desires in this lifetime in order to resolve ongoing karmic influences.


Experience the Freedom and Empowerment that comes from understanding that your Soul is NOT here to learn harsh lessons –  your Soul has nothing to learn - it’s here to have experience of certain Themes.


Discover the various Themes that your Soul has chosen for itself for this lifetime, and how they are showing up in your current experience.

Discover how to experience your chosen Life-Themes from a different perspective or how to come to a balanced experience of your chosen Life-Themes


Your Life-Lessons reading will include discussion of how you've been experiencing your chosen Themes so far during this lifetime 


You will also discover if you are currently experiencing Themes that you've chosen to experience in previous lifetimes


We'll discuss the way that you can enjoy the Karmic Freedom that completion of a Life-Theme brings. People who have completed the experience of a major Theme in the current lifetime often feel unnecessarily lost or devoid of purpose and this doesn't have to be the case! 

Life Lessons Reading

Knowledge is Power
Book now to empower yourself at Soul-Level to make informed Life-choices leading to more satisfying outcomes



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