soul path attunement
Spiritual Healing at the level of The Soul
If you're booking a
Soul Path Attunement
Soul information reading...
Don't forget to include the following information:
Full Name At Birth
Full Name Now
Date of Birth
Place of Birth (Nearest city or town is fine)
Your email address
Your Skype Contact Details
If you are NOT using Skype: Landline number (worldwide) or Landline/Cell (USA only)
Tel: (+44) 07402 723462
Peter Lancett and Soul Path Attunement - which includes Manifest Your Miracle, uses your email address, only with your express consent, as the basis for distributing free newsletters, marketing information and special offers directly to you.
Your email address will also be used to reply to any queries you may have sent, or in reply to any other form of correspondence.
Your personal information, including your name and your email address and any other information that might identify you as a particular individual will NEVER be given, sold, or otherwise distributed to ANY third party by Peter Lancett, Soul Path Attunement, or Manifest Your Miracle.
You have the right to opt out from receipt of email materials at any time by communicating your wish to us via email with the word STOP in the subject line.
Click the following link for more information:

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